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Schedule & Detail

Friday, Feb 14

Fountain Pen Basics
1:00pm - 2:00pm & 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness

Please bring a small cup of water and paper to the seminar with you.


$15 (Limit to 35 PPL each section)

12:00pm - 3:00pm
Hosted by: Nikola Pang

Come learn the beautiful calligraphic style of copperplate script! Copperplate calligraphy, also known as round hand, engrosser's, and engraver's script, is considered by most to be the mother of all pointed pen hands. It still stands as one of the most recognizable and highly demanded design elements in pointed pen calligraphy works. In this course we will go over a concise version of its history and learn to use dip pens in order to form the basic strokes of its construction. This course is geared towards beginners but those with more experience may attend it as a refresher course and I do my best to teach to the level of each individual in the second half of the course (plus it's always nice to have experienced attendees help). The course is $80 for the 3 hours and includes all the tools (nibs, holders, papers, handouts). Attendees are welcome to bring their own supplies for use if they wish. I also encourage attendees to bring a pencil and ruler with them.


$80(Limit to 20 PPL)

Explore Creative Journaling (Sold Out)
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Hosted by: Tom from Sugar Turtle Studio

Join Tom of Sugar Turtle Studio for a quirky, messy, informative journey into the world of Creative Journaling. Get over your fear of the blank page and get using those pens, notebooks, art supplies, stickers, and washi in fun and creative ways. Great for beginners and avid journalers looking for a new perspective. Attendees will receive a Creative Journal Starter Kit which will include a journal, washi tape, stickers, and other fun surprises in a fun journal pouch!


$65(Limit to 20 PPL) SOLD OUT

Secrets From The Ink Collector
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Hosted by: Ana Reinert

How to inventory, swatch and catalog your ink collection Class participants will get to try out lots of tools and techniques for starting their own swatching collection. Class fee includes a mini ink swatching kit. No additional materials are needed for the class but feel free to bring a notebook, recent ink acquisitions, and ink samples.


$60(Limit to 25 PPL)

Vintage Pens for the Modern Pen User
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Hosted by: Pen Collectors America (PCA)

An interactive panel discussion introducing you to vintage fountain pens. Seasoned collectors are here to answer all your questions about buying, using, and caring for vintage pens. What should you look for? Is it all about flex? What if the nibs are scratchy? Is it hard to clean and polish the pens? Is it annoying to fix them? Where can I learn more if I am curious?
Topics include: why vintage pens are a better value, the best starter pens, vintage pens are not fragile, how to fill and empty vintage pens, and any other question you want to ask!

Vanness Pen Mixer After hours
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness
Vintage Pen "Tasting"
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by: Pen Collectors America (PCA)

Come and try a variety of vintage pens! We will supply the pens, ink, paper, and be there to guide you and answer all questions.  Beginner questions are welcomed and encouraged! You can learn to fill and empty a variety of vintage pen filling systems. Become comfortable with levers, plungers, and more.

Saturday, Feb 15

Fountain Pen Basics
11:30am - 12:30pm
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness

Please bring a small cup of water and paper to the seminar with you.


$15 (Limit to 35 PPL )

Sigils: Make Magic with Pens & Ink
11:30am - 1:00pm
Hosted by: Ana Reinert 

Learn the ancient technique of creating your own sigil, a magical symbol imbued with intent and meaning to help you manifest your goals. It's like a paper spell! Accio, fountain pen! No drawing skills are required. You just need an open heart and a creative spirit. Ana will discuss the process of making a sigil, how to use color correspondences to strengthen your intention and what you can do with your sigil creations.


$50 (Limit to 25 PPL)

Elevate the Everyday: Improve your Handwriting
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Hosted by: Kimberly Lau

Do you get mistaken for a doctor with your chicken scratch? Has typing your life away taken its toll on your handwriting? Is your writing fine but you’d like it to look nicer? Join us for an interactive seminar on how to improve your everyday handwriting with Kimberly Lau (@allthehobbies on IG) who started her own handwriting journey in 2017 after discovering fountain pens. Kimberly will walk you through the different aspects of handwriting, providing tips and techniques to get you improving your handwriting in no time. You’ll learn: How to break the process into individual and less daunting steps Steps to overcome your inner critic Practical methods for planning your practice Please bring any kind of pen (preferably with darker ink) or pencil to this 90 minute session and get ready to transform your everyday handwriting!


About Kimberly: Kimberly Lau (she/her) has been working on her own handwriting since 2017 when she took the express train down the fountain pen/stationery rabbit hole. Examples of her writing (and pens and inks) can be found on Instagram @allthehobbies, and you can also find her articles on the Pen Addict bl.


$30 (Limit to 20 PPL )

Intermediate Fountain Pen Users
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness

We will talk about filling systems- modern and vintage. The class will include an opportunity to try various filing systems and a discussion on which inks work best for various uses. Please bring a small cup of water and paper to the seminar with you.


$15 (Limit to 35 PPL )

Ink and Paper
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness

This will be a hands on discussion to test various inks and paper combinations for your pen and art journey. Host will provide ink samples and paper.


$35 (Limit to 30 PPL )

Get Lost in your Creative Journal
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Hosted by: Tom from Sugar Turtle Studio

You're beyond the basics with your creative journal, but there are still plenty of new ways to get lost inside its pages. Join Tom from Sugar Turtle Studio for a series of exercises to stretch your creative muscles, expand your repertoire of creative journaling tools, and become a journaling genius. Attendees will receive a Creative Journal Expansion pack, which will include a journal and a whole mess of other surprise goodies inside of a fun journaling pouch.


$65(Limit to 25 PPL)

Sunday, February 16

Fountain Pen Basics
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Hosted by: Lisa Vanness

Please bring a small cup of water and paper to the seminar with you.


$15 (Limit to 35 PPL )

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