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Vendor Information

2025 Vendor Registration Open

No Refunds After Payment Received

Dealer Information

The first table includes two dealer badges.
For dealers taking more than one table, each additional table will come with an additional dealer badge up to a maximum of four total.
If more dealer passes are needed, please contact us.
The tables are 72″ by 24″. Electrical power is only available for wall tables.

Venue Shipping Information
(Provided by the hotel)

In the event Group will be shipping packages to Hotel, Group must notify Hotel at least one week in advance.  All packages sent to Hotel must include the name of Group, date of program and number of items.  Shipment should arrive no earlier than three (3) days prior to event.  A $10.00 per day storage fee will be charged for each package received more than (3) days in advance of program.  The hotel request that all tracking numbers be brought for reference. Hotel has no liability for the delivery, security or condition of the packages. 


Package Handling Fees:  

Boxes                                  $5.00 each 

Crates                                  $100.00 each 

Pallets                                 $150.00 each 

72 hour storage maximum, pre- and post-convention 


Address All Packages in the following way: 

Receiving Name {Must be a guest of the hotel or the primary event planner): 

Meeting Name 

Meeting Date 

Catering/Conference Services Managers Name (Rochelle Kott)

Box # ___ of ___ boxes 


Hotel Address:

3635 Fashion Way

Torrance, CA 90503

All deliveries will only be accepted through the Marriott loading dock and arrangements for delivery need to be scheduled in advance with the Catering/Conference Services Department. No deliveries are to be made through the hotel lobby, valet, or porte cochere entrance.  Any packages, items, gifts, clothing, promotional items, signs, programs, and/or poster boards brought into the hotel must be removed upon conclusion of the event.  No items will be stored overnight without the permission of your Catering/Conference Services representative. Any items left behind or unattended are not the responsibility of the Marriott Hotels. 

Special Requests

The show will accept special requests for table location preferences.
However, the show makes no guarantee we can honor all requests.
The show will make table assignments in the best interest of the show overall.

Wall Table Registration

Wall table registration is currently only for wall table holders from past year until October 1st.
Registration will open publicly on October 1st if there is remaining wall table left.
If you are a wall table holder from 2024, you will soon receive an access code to register for wall table 2025.

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